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Have questions? We have answers.

Can You Guarantee Results?

Yes, if you follow the schedule, monitor your diet, and sleep well, you'll definitely see results.

how much are you expected to increase from the programs?

The expected increase varies depending on the program. However, with bench press, we've observed gains of 25-35 kg, while in powerlifting and powerbuilding, increases of up to 60 kg are not uncommon.

What is the largest PB from A Bench press Program?

32,5-35 kg PB

What is RPE/RIR?

Lets say you are doing a set of Bench Press

- RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion): After finishing the set, you rate how hard it felt on a scale from 1 to 10, with @10 being the hardest. If you rate it as a @7, it means you would have been able to make 3 more reps before reaching failure when finishing the set.

-RIR (Reps In Reserve)

After finishing the set, you assess how many reps you could have done before reaching failure. Let's say you stopped the set feeling like you could have done 3 more reps. In this case, your RIR (Reps in Reserve) would be 3, indicating you had 3 reps left in reserve before hitting failure.

Why should you take deloads in the program?

You take deloads in your program because your central nervous system (CNS) needs rest to help you make the most progress and avoid getting too tired. Giving your CNS a break allows it to recover fully, which helps you perform better and prevent burnout.


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Where Do I Get The Link?

You get the link after purchasing the program.

How Many Times Can I Download The Program?

3 times


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Can I Refund The Program?

As a company, our refund policy is contingent upon specific factors, such as the terms outlined in our refund policy, the nature of the program purchased, and the circumstances surrounding the request for a refund. Therefore, whether a refund is possible depends on the situation. We encourage you to review our refund policy and reach out to our customer support team for further assistance.

What is your return policy?